1080201 |
80-Hg-201 |
New evaluation |
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Parameters of the bound level were modified to reproduce the thermal capture cross section in the Atlas of Neutron Resonaces. Remake mf6mt5 using corrected gnash code, to fix an earlier bug. Impact is reduced sec. particle prod for new ENDF/B-VII release EVALUATION OF n + 200HG CROSS SECTIONS FOR THE ENERGY RANGE 1.0E-11 to 150 MeV This evaluation provides a complete representation of the nuclear data needed for transport, damage, heating, radioactivity, and shielding applications over the incident neutron energy range from 1.0E-11 to 150 MeV. INCIDENT NEUTRON ENERGIES < 20 MeV Below 20 MeV the evaluation is based completely on the HG-196 evaluation for JENDL-3.3 documented in (Sh97). INCIDENT NEUTRON ENERGIES > 20 MeV The evaluation above 20 MeV utilizes MF=6, MT=5 to represent all reaction data. Production cross sections and emission spectra are given for neutrons, protons, deuterons, tritons, alpha particles, gamma rays, and all residual nuclides produced (A>5) in the reaction chains. |