Fizika plazme
V laboratoriju za fiziko plazme so glavne raziskave
usmerjene v študij diagnosticiranja plazme.
Teoretične raziskave so usmerjene tudi v interakcijo
laserjev s plazmo.
1. Gyergyek, T.,
Kovačič, J., Čerček, M. A fluid model of the
sheath formation in front of an electron emitting electrode
with space charge limited emission immersed in a plasma that
contains a one-dimensional mono-energetic electron beam,
Contributions to Plasma Physics, 50, str. 121-134,
2. Gyergyek, T.,
Kovačič, J., Čerček, M. Potential formation in
front of an electron emitting electrode immersed in a plasma
that contains a monoenergetic electron beam, Physics
of Plasmas, 17, 083504, (2010).