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Revision 65 as of 2019-12-24 08:30:39
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Editor: LukaSnoj
Revision 67 as of 2019-12-24 08:39:25
Size: 19938
Editor: LukaSnoj
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|| *2019 - danes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers <<BR>> *2017 - danes   Slovensko akademsko tehniško-naravoslovno združenje <<BR>> *2011 - danes  Društvo matematikov fizikov in astronomov <<BR>> *2009 - danes  American Nuclear Society, <<BR>> *2004 - danes  Društvo jedrskih strokovnjakov Slovenije || || || *2019 - danes  [[https://www.ieee.org|Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers]] <<BR>> *2017 - danes [[http://satena.org|Slovensko akademsko tehniško-naravoslovno združenje]] <<BR>> *2011 - danes [[https://www.dmfa.si|Društvo matematikov fizikov in astronomov]] <<BR>> *2009 - danes [[http://www.ans.org|American Nuclear Society]] <<BR>> *2004 - danes [[https://www.djs.si|Društvo jedrskih strokovnjakov Slovenije]] || ||
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 * D. Kotnik et. al. Validation and evaluation of the ADVANTG code on the ICSBEP skyshine benchmark experiment. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2019, vol. 125, pp. 249-260, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2018.11.025
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 * ASUNCION-ASTRONOMO, A., ŠTANCAR, Žiga, GORIČANEC, Tanja, SNOJ, Luka. Computational design and characterization of a subcritical reactor assembly with TRIGA fuel. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, ISSN 1738-5733, 2019, vol. 51, issue 2, str. 337-344, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.net.2018.09.025

Luka Snoj Homepage



Osnovni podatki

Basic info

izr. prof. dr. Luka Snoj
tel: (01) 588 5362
Šifra raziskovalca: 27819

assoc. prof. dr. Luka Snoj
phone: +386 1 588 5362

raziskovalna področja

Research areas

Teoretična reaktorska fizika in njena uporaba v energetskih in raziskovalnih jedrskih reaktorjih, predvsem pa sledeča področja:
* Monte Carlo transport nevtronov in fotonov v fuzijskih in fisijskih reaktorjih
* Monte Carlo preračuni fizikalnih parametrov raziskovalnih jedrskih reaktorjev
* Evalvacija referenčnih in kritičnih eksperimentov ter preračunov iz reaktorske fizike
* Evalvacija eksperimentalne negotovosti pri eksperimentih s transportom nevtronov
* Analiza aktivnosti materialov v fuzijskih in fisijskih reaktorjih
* Reaktorski preračuni in varnostne analize za močnostne in raziskovalne reaktorje
* Aktivacija materialov v fuzijskih in fisijskih reaktorjih
* Preračuni doz in razvoj biodozimetrov

Theoretical reactor physics related to practical applications in power and research reactors, in particular:
* Monte Carlo transport of neutrons and photons in fission and fusion nuclear reactors
* evaluation of critical and reactor physics experiments
* evaluation of experimental uncertainties in neutron transport experiments
* analysis of nuclear core and fuel management, design methods and calculations
* integral reactor experiments, criticality experiments and calculations
* management of the research reactor core, research reactor safety analysis
* fission and fusion reactor material activation
* dose calculations and development of biodosimeters

Članstva v strokovnih združenjih


*2019 - danes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
*2017 - danes Slovensko akademsko tehniško-naravoslovno združenje
*2011 - danes Društvo matematikov fizikov in astronomov
*2009 - danes American Nuclear Society
*2004 - danes Društvo jedrskih strokovnjakov Slovenije



COBISS: http://splet02.izum.si/cobiss/bibliography?code=27819&format=7&langbib=slo
SICRIS: http://sicris.izum.si/search/rsr.aspx?lang=slv&id=20525
SCOPUS: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=14421887600&amp;eid=2-s2.0-85065668269
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3097-5928
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=en&user=rg2WqbcAAAAJ
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100015016320891
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LukaSnoj

COBISS: http://splet02.izum.si/cobiss/bibliography?code=27819&format=7&langbib=eng
SICRIS: http://sicris.izum.si/search/rsr.aspx?lang=eng&id=20525
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3097-5928
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=en&user=rg2WqbcAAAAJ
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100015016320891
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LukaSnoj

Članstva v strokovnih združenjih

Strokovne funkcije, delo v odborih, komisijah

Izbrani članki (selected papers)


  • D. Kotnik et. al. Validation and evaluation of the ADVANTG code on the ICSBEP skyshine benchmark experiment. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2019, vol. 125, pp. 249-260, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2018.11.025

  • Review paper: A. Žohar, L. Snoj, On the dose fields due to activated cooling water in nuclear facilities, Progress in Nuclear Energy, Volume 117, November 2019, 103042, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pnucene.2019.103042

  • Ž. Štancar et. al. Multiphysics approach to plasma neutron source modelling at the JET tokamak, Nuclear Fusion, Volume 59, Number 9, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-4326/ab2c8b

  • ASUNCION-ASTRONOMO, A., ŠTANCAR, Žiga, GORIČANEC, Tanja, SNOJ, Luka. Computational design and characterization of a subcritical reactor assembly with TRIGA fuel. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, ISSN 1738-5733, 2019, vol. 51, issue 2, str. 337-344, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.net.2018.09.025






Nastopi v javnosti (Public appearances)

Uporabne povezave (Useful links)

* spletna aplikacija za jedrske podatke, doze,.. - http://www.nucleonica.net/index.aspx

Snoj: FrontPage (last edited 2025-03-28 12:26:25 by LukaSnoj)